Monday, December 8, 2008

Things are looking up:)

So last Thursday, my second day on the job, I went in a little earlier and Stanley explained some things to me. He explained the difference in the two sets of books they use. The kids start off in the Phonics set which is basically words, sounds, and such. I'm not positive, but I think there are like 6 or 7 books in that set. After they work their way through the Phonics books, they go into the second series of books called Face to Face. This set is more geared toward actual conversational things. During each 50 min session, I will visit two classrooms for 25 min each. Every class has two teachers, a Korean teacher as well as a foreign teacher. It was explained that the foreign teachers (aka Steven and I) are supposed to focus on listening and speaking. We are supposed to speak everything how it is supposed to be said obviously. And then we listen to the kids to make sure they are saying it all correctly. There is a lot of repetition, especially in the Phonics classes. Basically I had to stop and think about it and I realized that I was making it harder than it was. Anyway, so I will start in one classroom on the hour, do my thing for 25 min, and then switch with a Korean teacher. The Korean teachers focus on translations and what the words actually mean. So I will teach a Phonics 3 class focusing on correct pronunciation and such, while the Korean teacher is in a Phonics 5 class focusing on translations and such. After 25 min we switch sections and do the same thing. I feel like what I am typing is confusing. Sorry if you are getting confused reading this. It is really quite simple.

So after Stanley explained a what I was expected to do, and how each series of books works things went much better. Fridays are different than the rest of the week, however. On Fridays we also teach some "big kid classes" which is essentially an essay class. The students are in the age range of 13-15. Last Friday I just went through an example essay and explained how I want the essay's to be written. I explained the format I expected and wrote an example on the board. Oh yeah, we have black boards (green boards) with chalk and everything. No white marker boards here. So my clothes often get chalk dust on them:( So this Friday, I will assign a topic for the essay's, go through another example essay on the board and then the following Friday they will turn in their essays, and I will assign another.

Everyday after class, which is about 8:30 (except Fridays, my last essay class goes from 8:00 to 8:50) Steven and I go out to eat together. Steven is a very wordy individual. I don't have to worry about what to talk about or trying to keep a conversation going. He always has something to talk about. However, the surprising thing about Steven is even though he talks all the time, he is actually a pretty good listener. When I have something to say, he never interrupts me. It is enjoyable to be around Steven most of the time. I have discovered that he is very knowledgeable about movies. He has seen so many and enjoys movies of all genres. It is nice to be able to talk about movies with him.

I was chatting with Brad earlier tonight and he asked about the politeness of the people here. Stanley is very polite and helpful and Mufu, the pottery guy (that's a whole new post...probably tomorrow) is very polite and genuine. Other than that, outside of the school, most people seem to be very quiet and keep to themselves a lot. Not just from me, but from each other too. Walking around on the streets and in elevators, I have especially noticed the lack of small talk. Brad, told me I am a light in the darkness and that I need to keep shinning. I really needed to hear that, and I ask that you all pray that I can continue to be that light. It is so easy and tempting for me to keep to myself, be quiet, and blend in (essentially being invisible to those around me). I need to break that mold and reach was a good visual reminder to me that I am that light. This is a dark place. I need to let God shine through me. The whole reason why I came here was to "faithfully administer God's grace" through teaching and just through love in general. A friend that I met in China from South Africa says, "Love God, Love People, Nothing Else Matters"! I like that. It is simple, clear, and easy.

I challenge you to LOVE today! Be a light in the darkness that you are living in. You can't let the fear of what might happen cause you to miss an opportunity. Be alert for the opportunities God gives you, and take full advantage of them. I love you all, and I thank you for taking time to read my blog. I will be praying for you to be the light of God in your darkness's and I ask that you pray the same for me!!

1 comment:

E-Beth said...

great moto love god love people i like that and i agree. great visiting with you this week and keep up your great work! you have a bright light, don't let it dim!